Saturday, March 16, 2019

Tickety-Boo, This and That and Pressing On

Tickety-Boo, This and That and Pressing On

I never knew what Tickety-Boo meant until today. Tickety-boo is an old British saying meaning everything is in good order, or just fine. How many of us would like to have that kind of life, one that is in good order or just fine? I’ll probably not start saying that phrase, though, or you may think I’m Mary Poppins. 

I’ve been thinking about gifts and talents, especially regarding writing, as leading a small group puts more accountability upon me, to continue to learn and grow myself. As I teach WRITING STRATEGIES, by Rosemary Upton, I’m going through the book, The Creative Call: An Artist's Response to the Way of the Spirit Book by Janice Elsheimer, one more time, myself.

Many of you know that I’ve had a computer crash that may have been the end of most of my writings. In Jesus name I say that is not true, and today we are going to THE GEEK SQUAD, and drop the computer off. But it has got me thinking about not being faithful with the many devotionals, articles and manuscripts that the Lord gave me over the years. Many things I wrote, I realize, needed to sit and be seasoned and edited. Many were just procrastinated about, and some were sent as gifts to people, hopefully to help lesson their burdens or to show them what I went through, myself. 

But these scriptures (shown in many versions here) are some that I need to take to heart. The Lord has been SO GOOD to me. I will always give JESUS credit and praise His name. 

To whom much is given much will be required.

“Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!” From Luke 12:48

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.” NASB

“And those who have been entrusted with great responsibility will be held more responsible to their master.” TPT

Thinking of these verses and also the chapter about the unfaithful servant; I’d never want to be called that. I will strive to press on, with whatever writings I can retrieve, and be faithful to whatever the Lord has called me to. It’s been cool, reliving with my group, what prompted me to write in the first place, some of my blunders, and the joy and pain of sharing the realities of life with others. I’m so proud of my group; I see greatness within them and call it forth in Jesus name.

Praying we all will have a Tickety-boo life, soon.

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