Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Can We Be Content Amidst Christmas Changes?

Can We Be Content Amidst Christmas Changes?

Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein be content.”

Helen Keller

C hristmas may look different this year
oping and praying for the best for you
ngels surround you and your home
o glory given but to Him, our Lord
reater things He will do than you ever dreamed
ternity will reveal things that were hidden here on earth.
S o be happy be blessed this Christmas season.


Let your complications and changes help you to be content this Christmas season.


C hrist’s birth should make us content

O nly in Him will we find relief; mentioning God’s goodness every day

N ot in people, places or things

T hanksgiving every day

E verlasting love is ours through Him, enduring hard times even with the chaos and complications of life

N ever alone or forsaken, never giving up

T reating people with kindness; there is always enough love to go around


Is your Christmas going to be complicated or contented? As with most things in life, the choice may lie within us. I think the word for today could be complications; families are complicated, some are hurting, sad, broken yet our Lord is Lord over the complications. This we will believe in our darkest night of the soul, in the most complicated issues, in the wildest storm, You Jesus Christ our God and Father are Lord over the complications. You know the beginning from the end, the Alpha and Omega, the beautiful pattern of tapestry. Why would we think we can go through life pain-free when you suffered ultimately? Though it doesn't make us feel good to go through things, we know we have fellowship with Your suffering. We will believe the report of the Lord today that this is the day that He has made and in that we can find some small thing to rejoice in.


Everyone reading this has the gift of life, everyone reading this is able to find someone to bless in some small way, if not a large way, everyone reading this can be thankful for something today. If we have lost family members thank the Lord for those we have left, if we are in pain in one part of our body, thank the Lord for the parts that don't hurt, if we don't have an abundance of provision thank the Lord for what we do have. It's a "give thanks" day if we think about the great gift given this season. Christmas is a time of gift giving as we think about the best, most precious gift of the Man, Jesus Christ our Lord, being given to us. What do you do if you don't really feel like you have a gift to give, a song to sing or a light to shine?  Pray for contentment amidst the changes, complications and chaos of life.

Merry Christmas from Donna Collins Tinsley 2017  

Praying for your family strong this day, to be in peace and contentment.


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