Tuesday, November 3, 2020

When you have that dry spell.

 Last night at Word Weavers Volusia, one of our sweet members, Katelan, brought a blog titled: Dry Spell.

She talked about how hard it is to focus on the Lord when we can't "feel" Him at work within us. As far as my writing and reaching out, I feel the same right now. When that happens, I sometimes have to re-prime the pump, by reading good books and even going back and reading my own blogs. When I can't post something new, I can always repost a blog. 

You may relate to how some people in your life, some groups, such as this one, literally hold you up before the Lord. May the Lord always send a journeymate to encourage you along life's way.

The Lord has always had someone there to hold my arms up as with Moses throughout all the years of pain.
From an old blog: Words and Scriptures to hold on to today! 

Joshua obeyed Moses and went to fight the Amalekites, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held his hands up, the Israelites would win the fight, but when Moses put his hands down, the Amalekites would win. Later, when Moses' arms became tired, the men put a large rock under him, and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur held up Moses' hands—Aaron on one side and Hur on the other. They kept his hands steady until the sun went down. So Joshua defeated the Amalekites in this battle. Exodus 17:10-13 New Century Version (NCV)

I have been thinking about this scripture for days and wanted to share a bit about what it means to me and my hopes for the Somebody's Mother Online Prayer Support Group. It can also pertain to She Writes for Him group, I believe.

Before Somebody’s Mother prayer group for over 20 years Anita Smith, Ginny Long, Nancy Cox and the women from the Winning Women Bible study group held my hands up as they prayed with me and for my family. Many have been the trials and hard times along the way but I always knew they were praying and it was what kept me going. As we pray for one another each day, know we are helping a sister or brother win battles that they could not win alone. The battle is the Lord's my friend, and they will be won by him in His time. Never give up!

I'm inserting a paraphrase here: So, Somebody's Mother Online Prayer Support Group defeated the enemy in this battle on earth called life.

Deuteronomy 1:29-31
Then I said to you, Dread not, neither be afraid of them.
The Lord your God Who goes before you, He will fight for you just as He did for you in Egypt before your eyes,
And in the wilderness, where you have seen how the Lord your God bore you, as a man carries his son, in all the way that you went until you came to this place.

And you shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. (of the Spirit, I'm inserting here)
Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall before you by the sword (of the Spirit and Word of faith through prayer). Leviticus 26:7-8,
These are words and Scriptures to hold on to today!

The Lord is good, even when it hurts, even when we weep. He is keeping those prayers and tears in His bowls in heaven.

Keep praying and write on!

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