Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Backstory of how the song RESTORE THEM TO YOU came about


I can’t believe I forgot to post our song on my own blog! RESTORE THEM TO YOU.

Praise the Lord for His lyrics and much thanks to Steven Scheffler for his voice, melody and servant's heart to Bill and me, throughout our life.

Dedicated to the praying moms at Somebody's Mother Online Prayer Support Group and to WAPN 91.5 PRAYERLINE. Steve Scheffler produced, sang and did background to the video.

Here are Steve’s words as a bit of backstory: "So, a good, good friend that I've known for many years asked me if I would put a poem of hers to music.  I read the poem and gave her the thumbs up at giving this a try. 

The song is about mother's who have children that are lost and living lives that are dangerous and problematic filled!  Donna Tinsley has really been through some tough stuff with her own children, but also with her children's children.  She continues to fight the good fight of faith in believing that God is more than capable of bringing all those children into the Lord.

As Christian parents we will sometimes have to walk with prodigal children, those who deny the faith and live lives contrary to what God planned for us in Christ Jesus.  What to do?  Prayer continually and believe God to do a work that only He can do.  My daughter Corrie is a testament to that happening.  She has really become a bright and beautiful saint of God.  Her faith is contagious!!  More than Covid 19 ever will be! She is a product of God's calling, drawing and transforming. 

The video is a tough one to watch.  It is Donna Tinsley's desire that this song and video will encourage you to continue to pray for your lost children.  To believe that God still has a plan for their lives even though they seem to rebel against the idea.  God is still able to draw all to Himself through the work and love of Christ Jesus. 

Perhaps this song will ignite a greater zeal in those who see and hear it to pray all the more and believe God to restore not only our children to us, but also the many saints who have left the faith in the years I've been a Christian.  Bill Tinsley felt that the song was very much geared towards the many children of God who have left the faith.  I concur it could easily be translated into that thinking as well.

In any case, I pray that this song of Donna Tinsley's will stir the hearts and minds of many to believe that God can indeed still save our wayward children.  Remember that "Salvation belongs to the LORD!"  We can't save them, but He can!! 

We believe for a miracle Lord, bring your children home to You!  Love and peace to all."Steve Scheffler


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