Friday, June 15, 2012

Plunging to the True Father

I must admit, Father’s Day is not my favorite holiday. When you have experienced abuse, abandonment and more at the hands of a “dad” it is often a long road home to trust.
Yet every so often as this day approaches it comes again—that longing, that wanting, that thinking maybe I will search again, maybe he is alive somewhere. And along with that is “Why?’ Why didn’t he search for me, why didn’t he try to save me from harm, why didn’t his parents, my grandparents ever show up? It was quite known that abuse of me was the reason my first stepfather went to prison. Did I not matter to him? Was I replaced so easily? Was my birth and the reminder of the little girl who thought he was a stranger who came every now and then with a doll or colored Easter chicks unacceptable to his family? Yes, I am from a flawed family and have reproduced dysfunction at times. But maybe because of the lack in my life I plunged to the Lord at a young age. He is my Father, my love and my strength. He is worthy and so very loving and kind. There is none like Him and I am in awe sometimes of His goodness and what He alone teaches me.
To my True Father, Jesus I give my love, allegiance and worship on Father’s Day!

I beg each person reading this to watch this movie; maybe it will help a Father learn, maybe it will spare a child some heartache and heartbreak. Man-up, Dads in Jesus name.
I believe the lack of true Fatherhood has brought about the pain of addiction in so many lives.
This movie will rock your world. Family Worship Center in Port Orange is having a whole weekend centered on it:

1 comment:

  1. This goes along with it well:
